Monday, September 14, 2009

Sooner or later...

I knew that I would get tired of it. I knew that I would eventually let people run over me one to many times and I would snap...Now is the time. I will not go into details but my "best friend" does this to me all the time and then apologizes a few days later and thinks that makes up for treating me like crap. I am done now. She has her issues and claims I wasnt there for her but I have issues of my own. I had a daughter running a fever all day and my mom couldnt get out of bed today due to her gallbladder hurting her like crazy. I begged her to go to the hospital and she wouldn't. Well in the midst of all this I forgot to call Chloe. Ya know I have other things on my mind as well and calling her was not at the top of the list. I am tired of it. I hate this...
To top it off my dad is back in jail...awesome.


Courtney said...

Oh honey i am so sorry! Unfortunatly life always has another curve ball waiting on us just around the corner.

I have lost and dumped many friends over the years since starting my family. It wasn't always because they were not there for me or because they didnt understand. Some got left behind just because as my life was evolving their life was standing still.

You have found a new roll in life that does not involve a lot of the old things you use to do and that is ok. Eventually you will find new friends near and far (hehe) that do understand and that accept your new life.

Anonymous said...

hey girl keep your chin up, everything will get better.

O and tell your momma that if her galbladder is REALLY hurting her she needs to have it looked at . I had mine removed and it was the best thing I ever did for my health!