Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I got nothing...

I was trying to think of something really neat and interesting to write about today in my blog but alas...I got nothing. It has been far to normal around my house lately and its kinda weirded me out. I have gotten over the issues I wrote about last blog. I no longer run through my mind every few minutes thinking about it. I can't do it to myself. It's not fair for me to live like that when I feel like I did something that was right.
Anyways, Kaci is getting big. I can't believe my little 7 lb baby is already 16 lbs. Where did it go? Where did my baby go? She used to just be a blob. She would sleep and eat and poop. Now she laughs,rolls,talks,sticks her tongue out,kisses her mommy, sits up on her own, jumps in her jumperoo....I could go on and on about how much she has changed. I don't like it. I understand now why women get pregnant again so soon after having a miss the baby !!!! I feel like I blinked and she is already almost 5 months old. I guess I did miss the first 3 weeks of her life cause she was in Vanderbilt. I still can't believe all that happened. My little baby has already been through more in her life then some people go through their whole lives. Its crazy to me.
But, like I said I dont have much to say. I am not feeling well at all today so I am gonna go lay down with my little Jellybean !

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