Monday, August 17, 2009

Not Me Monday

Okay so I follow a few blogs that do the "Not me Monday" so I figured its about time I start doing it. It seems fun so here goes...

Today I DID NOT sleep in until almost 1 o' clock in the afternoon. I also DID NOT put the pacifier in my daughters mouth to get just an extra hour of sleep. I would NEVER do that.
I DID NOT show my daughter how to put her thumb in her mouth because I could tell she really wanted it.
I also DID NOT get up and eat pizza rolls for breakfast along with a mini cookies and cream hershey bar. That is just unhealthy !!
I DID NOT let my daughter lay beside me on the couch with her paci in her mouth and put herself to sleep. ( I actually really didn't think she would fall asleep lol)
I DID NOT watch the lifetime movie network all night and most of the day today.

Now I am bored...and mom let her sugar get to low so I gotta go get her some food. bye bye for now.


Anonymous said...

YAY you did it!

Courtney said...

Hehe the joys of mommyhood! Welcome to the club girl!