Sunday, August 23, 2009

I just can't get enough...

I really can't ... I love Kaci so much. I have been reading some blogs lately about parents who lost their babies due to illness or SIDS and I just am so thankful for my healthy baby girl. I know we had a bit of a speedbump in the beginning cause of her malrotation and surgery all that but she made it through that and is now my happy and healthy angel. I love her. Gosh, I just never thought it was possible to love someone this much. She is my whole heart. How could someone be so perfect? She just makes me want to be a better person. She gives me strength when I am weak. Ahhh I just can't breath sometimes because I am just so in love with my little baby. I have waited forever to be a mommy but I never thought that it would be this wonderful. Its so crazy how quickly my priorities changed. It seems like just yesterday I was a stupid teenage girl running around getting into SERIOUS trouble with my friends and now here I am a mommy. I love my life... I really do.
In other news I just purchased 3 books online used. I got all 3 for 22.00 and that is with shipping and tax and everything. My husband I hope will be proud for my bargain shopping hehe. I haven't gotten to read much lately so it will be nice to sit down with a good book while Kaci is napping.
Also, I just wanted to say that on this day last year I was conceiving my daughter !!! That is right one year ago today me and hubby did the deed and made my wonderful little angel !! On my brothers birthday hahahah !
I will cherish this day. And September 4th is slowly approaching and thats the day I found out I was expecting my little miracle... ahhh I love to think back !
I love her so much !!!!!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

A mother's love is an amazing thing. It does not matter if our children our here with us or in heaven watching over us they are our hearts and souls.

Unfortunatly they grow to fast and learn all to well how to push our buttons. Some days we become the mommies we dont want to be instead of the mommies we need and desire to be. The bottom line is that no matter what our babies will always see us as perfect!