Saturday, October 3, 2009


So we are all getting a cold. Brandon brought it home(thanks alot baby) he started complaining of a sore throat then his nose started running and he just felt tired all I woke up with a sore throat and runny nose. Nobody has had a fever thank the lord. Hopefully Kaci wont be getting it. But, we are a buncha sickies over here I hate seeing my husband sick cause he is always so strong and amazing and lately he is just tired all the time. That is not him at all !! I hate it. I dont really mind getting sick cause well I am used to it. I have a very weak immune system and if something is going around rest assured I will get it and so will my mom ! I hope Kaci has her daddys immune system. So far she is doing great so I am hoping and praying she doesnt get it. Its hard enough to watch her when she gets her shots but if she got a cold...oh gosh I would just break down lol.
I don't have much to say really just giving a quick update on me and mine.
Oh I have acquired a new pet recently. He is a kitty I am not sure how old he is but he isnt very big so I would say probably 6 months to a year old. He comes to my doorstep everyday and we keep our door open during the day to let in light and we have a glass door...well everyday about 2 in the afternoon he pops his head around the corner and meows telling me he is hungry so I put some food out there for him cause I cant stand it if an animal is hungry. He is such a pretty cat. I think he likes it outside so im just gonna leave him there and keep feeding him but I have named him Larry. He has big balls so I know he is a boy lol.
My daughter really seems to like him everyday he comes to the door and meows she smiles so he is now her Kitty. Even though she already has an inside kitty named Lexi she seems to like this little guy more. But, anyways just a quick update. Hope all is well for everyone else.

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