Friday, November 21, 2008

Yes I am sorry...

I forgot to update the other day but its been a VERY rough past few days. First off Sunday I woke up and decided I wanted to have breakfast with my friend Stacie at Waffle House. Well we get there and I take one wiff of that place and decide we have to get it to go... well I take her home and rush back home because I can feel the nausea getting worse and worse and all I wanted to do was get to my nausea medicine. Well I get into my apartment and sit on my bed and my hubby comes in and I warned him I was about to get sick and lo and behold BOOM that second I became a puke monster. I hadnt even gotten a chance to eat anything that morning yet so it was stomach bile and water... lovely huh? I really thought the morning sickness was over but its like since that morning I havent been able to stop throwing up. And when I am not throwing up ... its like a constant nausea in my tummy. I feel so guilty cause I am really starting to hate being pregnant. I love my Opie but man he is draining the life outta me.
I went to my doctors appointment monday and my doctor was very concerned cause I have lost 10 pounds and I was already underweight for my height before I lost any weight. I weigh 122 now and I am 5'10...and she said that she wants me to gain 35 pounds this pregnancy and I really dont know how that will happen. I have always had a hard time gaining weight. But, ya know what I woke up yesterday and I told myself I was going to gain weight not for me but for my Opie...If I am unhealthy that means he is too and I couldnt live with myself If something happened to him because of me. So I told myself no matter how many times I have to throw up I am gonna get weight on me. So I have been literally forcing food down my throat. I have also been drinking chocolate Ensures. They serve as a meal and get my belly full and they have SO many vitamins in them and my doc said since I am not able to get my prenatals down then that will help get the vitamins in my as well. I am happy to say that I have gottan food and 4 ensures down and kept them down. I am still not feeling 100% but I guess its a step up.. I gotta get me a scale so I can track my weight at home. My next appt. is December 29th and thats the BIG appt. where we find out what we are having for sure... even though I am so almost positive its a boy.
Also I am 15 weeks today and I took a belly pic for you guys... I am finally starting to show even though I am gaining no weight my uterus is growing rapidly and my baby is doing so good.
So there it is... my belly lol and my messy room with the babys crib.
Im gonna go watch some more Friends lol.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

I am so sorry you are experianceig such bad tummy problems. I really do hope they get better. You are so tall and skinny like a model lol. I bet you will do fine gaining weight. My sister gained 7 lbs the first 7 months of her pregancy and then the last 2 gained about 40lbs. I lost 10 lbs with my second pregnancy but then gain 20 so i am sure you wil gain in time. I cant wait to find out what you are having. Did you really want one or the other? I always wanted 2 boys and a girl now i have 2 boys and just hoping fora girl next time around.