Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Bye bye morning sickness hello new symptoms !

It's not completely gone. But, I am feeling better. Between the hours of 3-6 I feel TERRIBLE then all the sudden its like someone hits the off button and boom I am ready to eat everything in the house. Lately, I have been wanting nothing but rotel cheese dip. Oh gosh it's so amazing. But as the sickness tapers off I am noticing new things happening. Headache for one are a bummer. I never really had headaches before. Maybe one or two in my entire life. They aren't terrible but no headache is really fun ya know !? I am so freaking thirsty !!!! And I have this horrible yucky taste in my mouth that won't go away ... ahh the beautiful things of pregnancy. But like I said in the last post... I know how worth it this will all be.

In addition to new pregnancy symptoms there has been a surge of lady bugs in my apartment. They are not in or around anyone elses apartment around us we checked. Its odd really because I have a tattoo of a lady bug and if the baby is a girl I have thought of doing the room in lady bugs... Maybe its a sign??

Other then that ... nothing new really. Voted earlier today. And my hubby comes home tomorrow !!!!!!!!



Courtney said...

I am so glad your morning sickness is tappering off now. I never had morning sickness with either of my boys but my sister had it with all 3 of her girls. As far as those headaches go try a little caffiene. Like a cup of hot coffee or hot tea or even a little soda. The caffiene will sometimes help. It did me. If you ever wanna chat feel free to email me at mytwosweetypies(at)yahoo(dot)com. I am also part of a great pregnancy mommy group on yahoo if yo uwould like i could send you the link to join us. We are a close knit group of about 12 mommies.

Anonymous said...

its about time you quit puking lol. The yucky taste is a metalicy taste, alot of preggos experience this, somtimes it goes away...sometimes it doesnt.

I miss you brittany boo