Monday, November 1, 2010

Dear Kaci, Halloween, 18 Months !

My goodness. Kaci I know I say it a lot but where has time gone? My sweet baby you are just such a toddler lately !! Getting into everything...running around...being ADORABLE !! You had your second Halloween yesterday but it was the first time you got to trick or treat. You were so amazed with the concept of hey we go to peoples doors and they give candy. I hope you don't think that is what happens year round. Of course it probably would happen if they saw your sweet face everytime they opened to door who could resist to give you candy honestly? You have been sick the past week. Luckily you are better. All week long you had a fever and of course if you read my last post you know you had a febrile seizure. No harm are completely fine and perfect. You are walking so great you are still a bit clumsy but I honestly think that is your nature cause well...your daddy is clumsy so its only natural lol. I love it. I love that you are trying to run lately and you make this noise when you run just to hear what it sounds like when you bounce up and down and you realized that the noise goes in and out when you are running fast. Its funny. I'll have to get a video one day. I know one have missed your MiMi. She had to go to Florida for testing for her liver but she will be home in 2 days ! I cannot wait to be there to watch the moment you see your MiMi for the first time in 3 will be amazing. I know MiMi misses you she tells me everyday on the phone. Well my darling I don't have much more to add just gonna post pics from this month so enjoy my angel.

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