Sunday, November 15, 2009

Oh my goodness...

My child has a tooth. Well she has one tooth that has fully poked through and has one right next to it almost poked through so make that almost 2 teeth. The middle ones right on the bottom. My little stinker wouldn't let me grab a picture of them she barely will let me touch them. I can tell she has been majorly grumpy lately and I knew it had to be her teeth so I just popped my finger in there the other night and on the bottom I felt how swollen it was right there. It felt like her gums were full of fluid kind of so the next day I was giving her some tylenol and it ran out of her mouth so I used my finger to put it back in and WOAH !!! I felt a sharp little edge on the bottom !! I couldn't believe it. I cried. I smiled. I had a huge mix of emotions.
Then last night my husband and I decided to go see 2012 I had a bad feeling it was going to scare me but in all honesty it didn't scare me I cried the whole movie because all I thought about was my daughter and how I don't appreciate the days that I do have on this earth with her. That movie as incredible !! But, at the same time I know will scare millions of people thinking that those things are going to happen and I really don't believe it. My Lord will come get us before he ever let anything like that happen. But, what it did show was just terrible. Very realistic I couldn't believe some of the things I saw. But, I did come out with an appreciation for my life more. I plan to not only live each day like it were my last but to live a better life completely.
But, anyways my dear little snuggle bunny is napping so I think I am gonna go cuddle up to her. She is my wittle angel.

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