Monday, February 2, 2009

So its monday...

And I am 25 weeks and 3 days pregnant...or 4 I cant remember what the ticker thingy said lol. Either way I have 14 more weeks until my angel arrives. Oh man!!!!!! I dunno if she will stay in till May though...I hope and pray that she does because I never ever wanna see her with tubes or a ventilator on her. But, just 2 days ago I was hospitalized AGAIN for the stomach flu for the 4th or 5th time this pregnancy I cant remember I kinda lost count. But either way thats alot of throwing up lol. But, I was also having contractions again but this time I was so sick I didnt even realize I was having them but the monitor picked them up and they were 1 to 2 minutes apart. It crazy to think this is the 3rd time I have been in the hospital having contractions in less than a month Im just thankful that I am not dilating and my cervix isn't thinning. My little angel is still doing great though. I feel her moving's like a little reminder in the crappy times that she is still in there and she will be out in a few months making EVERYTHING better. As scared as I am to be a mom I am also so excited. I sometimes wonder if I am ready. I mean c'mon I am only 19 and Im already married and having a baby in less than a year lol. Some friends of mind I know think that I am ruining my life because I am missing out on the "partying" and "having fun" but I just can't think of a better way to spend my time here on earth than to be a mother. I have ALWAYS wanted to be a mother and when I saw that positive pregnancy test on September 4th, 2008 all my dreams and worst fears came true. But, I think every first time mom and probably even second or third time moms have fears. I just wish I had friends that understood I don't want to do those stupid childish things that they wanna do. I want this little baby growing inside me and I want Brandon as my husband. I dont wanna go out to clubs and meet random guys because NOBODY that I ever meet in my whole lifetime could measure up to the amazing man that I married. One day they will see I suppose that the life they are living right now is taking them nowhere. But, until then I will simply take what they say in one ear and out the other I just feel like its ridiculous. Anyways I will stop babbling.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

oh hun you always make me smile! You have a friend right here that understands. By the time i was 19 i was one month away from giving birth to my first child and had been married only 4 months. I totally get that in your heart you know this is what you want. I went through the same thing with a lot of my friends telling me i was crazy but i knew i wasnt. People and sometimes even friends are jealous. You know what you want in life and you know where your life is headed and that can make people angry because they dont know what or where they are going. Trust in yourself to do your best and never never let anyone tell you that you arent good enough!