Thursday, February 12, 2009


The past 2 days I have felt my child move once. Now, as active as she usually is this has me SUPER worried. I listened to her heartbeat with my at home monitor earlier and it sounded good but she will usually kick the heartbeat monitor or move away from it but she didnt. I dont know if this is cause to call the doctor or not. But I am worried cause my little acrobat usually is moving around like CRAZY !!
On another note I saw the most terrible thing last night. I went to subway to get my hubby some dinner to take to him at work and there was this older gentleman in front of me and he made general conversation with me and was actually very nice and he was also very nice to the other people around and the workers. Well I walk out to my car he got done right before me and he got in the car with his wife and I closed my doors and they had their doors closed and he started SCREAMING at her at the top of his lungs calling her every name in the book and all of the sudden i look over and he just starts punching her right in her face. She looked right at me and she already had a black eye from what I am guessing is another time when he got like this. But, I just felt her begging me to help and there was nothing I could do. I couldn't get out and say anything to him I mean I have my child and my life in my hands he couldve hurt me too. I just wish I couldve called the cops or something. Its really been on my mind the past 24 hours now and I just feel terrible that I did nothing. I just pray that she gets out of that situation cause it was obvious she was used to this type of treatment and nobody she ever have to be treated like that. It was terrible...he was very scary...

1 comment:

Janelle said...

Has baby been more active lately? How are you feeling?