Friday, March 27, 2009

Complaining Complaining

I am not one to usually be a big baby but I am at my wits end !! I feel like a toddler crying all the time. I cried yesterday because I spilt my tea outside. I wanted that tea I was so looking forward to it and it was gone in an instant and I swear you would have thought my dog died or something. It was an all out 20 minutes of drama and crying. My wonderful husband even offered to drive the 5 miles up the road to the restaurant to get me another sweet tea because it was my favorite. I declined because that was just not fair to him but seriously crying over tea ?! How big of an ass did I make of myself lol. Thats not the first time this has happened though I swear pregnancy has made me this huge ball of emotions and I could cry at the drop of a hat.
On another note I have a wonderful cold now !! UGH !!! My nose is leaking like a faucet and my throat was hurting but it has stopped after 3 days so now I am stuck here blowing my nose 5 million times a day, sniffling, sneezing, itching my eyes, and on top of that I cant taste the delicious foods that I love so much. I hate having a cold for that reason mostly other then the fact that its just annoying !!!!!
I had a doctor appointment yesterday. It went well. They, of course, cannot give me anything yo help me sleep and she said " well look at it this way you only have 7 more weeks till her due date." I wanted to say you have got to be kidding me....I havent been able to sleep since I was 29 weeks which was 4 weeks ago and now I am going to have to endure 7 more weeks of it. She said it like it was nothing. Like people go 11 weeks without sleep all the time. Its not that I am just not getting a deep sleep I will go days on end without sleeping. She said we possibly need to look into me being bi-polar. I never really thought of it but my mom,dad, and brother are all bi-polar and I just assumed I was the normal one but now that I look at myself I do have alot of the traits. But, in some good news in 2 weeks I go to my last every 2 weeks appointments !!! Then I go every week and they start checking me for dilation. I hope and pray that she doesnt stay in till May 14th. I can deal with a 37 week baby she is considered full term then !!! But my doc said the other day that she has dropped so she highly doubts that I will make it 7 more weeks more like 4 or 5 which has gotten my hopes up so I only hope my little angel doesnt let me down...but even if she stays in till May 14th I will take it as a compliment I have made such a nice cozy environment for her that she just doesnt wanna leave. Lol at least thats the way I plan to look at it. The real reason being that she has her fathers stubborn attitude and doesnt want to do anything that others want her to do hahaha.
I will stop now. Hope you all have a lovely day !!

1 comment:

Laura McIntyre said...

I know it seems like forever just now but it will be over soon. You will miss this stage and the joy of having your daughter safe inside you.

Try and enjoy the last few weeks