Tuesday, January 6, 2009

If its not one thing...its another...

So no more tummy virus...Thank you Lord !! But now, my body is stretching... WAY beyond her limits. My hips and lower back throb with pain all day and night long. A heating pad provides some relief but as soon as I get up it starts all over again. Doctor prescribed me percocet. I am not a pill taker. Even when I dont have another life growing inside me I hate putting pills in my body especially when those pills make me high as a freaking kite. It sounds bad but its true. I have been trying not to take them unless my pain gets excruciating and even then I take halves when you are supposed to take 2 every 4 hours lol. This is a small price to pay to make sure my child is okay but still... it hurts so bad I have never in my life felt such pain. I can't sleep anymore thats pretty much outta the question and the sad part is ... i have 18 more weeks of this lol. Its worth it I know I just hope my Kaci will look back and read this and know that I went thru so much just cause I wanted her so badly ! I am happy to report I have gained a whopping 15 pounds lol thats a matter of a month... YAY !! My doc was so freaking proud !!
I am proud of myself actually !
Well my hubby is home with some food.. that is important so ill write more later !!


Courtney said...

First off YAY for 15 pounds. I know how hard you have been working trying to gain the weight and i am so proud that you have finally got it.

As far at the pain goes i totally get the whole pill thing. My sister refused to take the pills when they gave them to her for her migraines unless she absolutely had too. I would try stretching some each day. Yoga really helped me through my first pregnancy. It was painful the first couple weeks but after that it really helped to loosen my muscles and relax my body and the pain gradually went down. Even if you don't have any yoga tapes or what not just try some basic stretches like bending down to touch your toes or leaning over to the side as far as you can. Also sitting on the ground and crossing one leg over the other and then twisting your torso the other direction will really help stretch those side ligaments.

OK sorry for the book here. Hope it helps!

Courtney said...

Here is a great site i found that includes a lot of helpful info on pregnancy exercise. http://babyfit.sparkpeople.com/default.asp