Thursday, January 20, 2011

Just amazed...

My heart is overflowing right now. And honestly, this situation has NOTHING at all to do with me but seriously I am just amazed at how there are still good people in this world. I don't know if anyone reads This blog but her name is Kelle Hampton. She has 2 beautiful daughters, one of which was born with Down Syndrome...and the thing is she didn't know that her babygirl had this until she came out and she took one look at her. If you haven't read Nellas birth story Click here you owe it to yourself to read this story...I have read it 50 times probably and I cry every time because it is just a beautiful and amazing story of love and heartache. The reason I am writing this is because sweet little Nella is turning ONE in just a few days and for her first birthday her mother is having a fundraiser called Nella's ONEder Fund...she initially started out trying to raise 15,000 and suddenly people just started donating and then it went from 15 to 30,000 now it is at 76,000...I had no clue that people were so quick to donate...but I am so thankful for people like that. No, I don't have a child with down syndrome and I wont pretend I know what its like but gosh I have just fallen in love with this little girl Nella. She has really touched my heart. I look forward to her mothers new posts just because I love seeing her smiling face...honestly she is BEAUTIFUL ! You just can't help it...if you read that blog and see her face you will fall in love too. Even if you only donate 5 dollars every little bit count and all the money goes toward the National Down Syndrome Society ! Please help them reach their goal and give Nella the best birthday gift ever !!!! Her mother posted a video and I have to share it with you the post is HERE. I don't know what compelled me to post this but I just needed to. This little girl is awesome and so are all the children with down syndrome...and they need to be reminded of just how amazing they are. Please help...


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