Tuesday, January 4, 2011

525,600 minutes...

How can I even begin to describe how 2010 has changed me...It definitely didn't throw me the changes that 2009 did but it definitely brought challenges with it. I have had my fair share of heartache this year. Everyday I feel a little twinge in my stomach knowing that my babygirl is one day older. One day closer to not needing me anymore. But right now I am savoring it. I feel like I talk about that a lot here but thats what I have to do. I have to savor each and every moment. I really hope I can make 2011 a better year. I'm not going to sit here and boast about how awesome its going to be and how I am going to make it my year and blah blah blah cause honestly who wants to hear that? My plan is to make it a good year. To lose the weight that I need to lose to feel better about myself...but like I said who knows how the year will play out. I am confident in the fact that I know one thing will stay constant....my family. They are my main focus now. No more worrying about friends who don't seem to care about me like I care about them. No more trying to please people who obviously care ZERO about pleasing me. My husband and daughter and family are the only ones who matter anymore. I am also planning to start "The love dare" again and follow through with it. I quit on day 14 last time and I refuse to quit again until I finish it. I also have started taking Acai Berry pills to lose some weight. I love the fact that they are all natural and are so good for you on top of speeding up your metabolism and burns belly fat and curves your appetite. So long baby fat I am going to look good again. I can't be uncomfortable in my own skin any longer. I am really trying to lose weight the healthy way... I can't live the unhealthy way anymore either. I just want to make this year special. I just know we aren't promised tomorrow...and I want to spend this year with the ones that matter the most to me. Each and every second is precious especially with them. I was blessed with this amazing husband and I feel like I have been putting friendships before him. My daughter has always been number one but my marriage needs some attention as well. Of course she is still my number one but marriage is right next to her. Life is just so wonderful with them...I can't thank God enough for blessing me with this amazing family. Life is so good...

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