Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Kaci 2 years months 1 and 2

My dear sweet Kaci,

Mommy is so very sorry that I skipped month on of writing your letters after your second birthday. You know mommys brain can sometimes (lots of times) not function properly and I just forget. Chasing you around the past 2 months has also kept me more than busy...obviously busy enough to neglect my blog for you. My sweet baby you are growing up right in front of my eyes. You are becoming less and less baby like each day and I see more and more toddler and young girl characteristics. You are such a mommy lately. You have a baby doll, well actually you have like 20, but this babydoll is your favorite and it just so happens to be the cheapest lol. But you carry her around and pat he on the back and you will sing to her and try to change her diaper. Its the sweetest thing I have ever seen. When I saw you climb up in the rocking chair with her wrap a blanket around her and put her up on your shoulder and try to rock her to sleep the way I used to rock you...tears welled up in my eyes. Thats been happening a lot lately. I get that lump in the back of my throat like I am about to cry so much lately because its just like everytime I look at you...you're different. How is that possible? How are you growing so fast? I wish time had a pause button. I need for time to have a pause button. I feel like everyday you do something or say something new. Which talking is one of your favorite in things to do nowadays. Baby you can blabber on about pure nothingness for hours on end and its so precious. But I really love the age you are at because you are able to finally tell me what you want and don't want and if you need something like a diaper change you tell me now. Its very nice. You have a brand new cousin who you got to meet the other day for the first time. You were a bit jealous as first of baby Tej but you warmed up to him. You were jealousy while mommy was holding him and you reached up and grabbed my hand and said "You my mommy" Of course I am you mommy sweetie but Tej is mommys nephew my one and only nephew and I am so happy to have him. I am first and foremost yours ALWAYS ! Of course you knew that though. You say some of the funniest things sometimes. And not to mention the funny things you do. The other day you pooped in the potty (RARELY HAPPENS) Well when you got done and got up to flush you of course had to get mommy to flush it for you and as it was going down you said "BYEEEEE POOP!!!" I laughed so hard I cried. It was an amazing moment that I will surely never forget. You're really enjoying having me around these days. It used to be you wanted to play in your room alone while I got stuff done around the house but now you want me to come in the room and play with you or watch a movie with you. I am fine with it. Playing baby dolls and watching Tangled for the millionth time...there is nothing I would rather be doing than spending time with you my love. You have really just grown lately. And its breaking my heart all over again. Every month you get a little older and I see these changes in you and I definitely realize the passage of time is something I just have to live with...and I have to soak of every ounce of every moment with you because it does go so fast. Recently you probably saw mommy upset. A mother named Casey Anthony killed her little daughter that was the same age as you...and she got away with it. I know you don't understand that now but you will one day...and I just was so shaken by this trial and the story. It was heartbreaking. I hugged you tight for a while the night they announced her not guilty. I am not sure exactly why it made me want to hold you but it did. I guess it just made me realize that someone out there killed that 2 year old girl no matter who it was she was killed and it hit to close to home. And I just wanted you to know I will never let anything happen to you my angel. You are my world and you always will be. I would lay down my own life if it meant you would live a long healthy and happy life. I just love you Kaci. You're my best friend. In fact I am gonna go snuggle up next to you right now and go to sleep. I love you my angel.


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