Thursday, January 14, 2010

Dear Kaci,

My baby. How time flies. I have never loved something so much in my entire life. I am watching you chew on your glow worm right now and I am just overwhelmed. My little 8 month old !!! We have settled into a routine now finally you are sleeping from 10 till 8 then your go back to sleep after a bottle till about 10 ! With 2 naps in the day. Your eatings fruits and veggies and drinking from your sippy cup. You are cutting your 4th tooth right now. Your 2 tops ones are coming in. 1 has already busted through we are just waitnig on the second one and you are having a tough time with this one. I never have seen you act this way over a tooth it must be hurting you pretty bad. I try to help as much as I can but sometimes I am just helpless and just cuddle with you and rub your head and that seems to make everything better. You are such a mommys girl and I love it. You love you daddy and mimi but Mommy is your favorite and I can't even describe how amazing it feels. You are saying mama now. You will yell for me if you want me or if I am not paying attentiion to something you want me to see. I can't describe my love for you Kaci. One day you will have a baby of your own and see it but right now you won't understand I didn't fully understand my mothers love for me until I felt you growing inside me and it was over then. You became my everything that moment. I love you so much my angel. I am gonna go snuggle up to you right now.


peasterpeach said...

Aww that was so sweet! I thought about writing a letter to Cash every month or so but im too lazy :(

Courtney said...

That is just so sweet! I cannot believe she is 8 months old!!! Time just flies in that first year.