Monday, April 13, 2009

What a long week it has been...

I swear things are so hectic lately I don't think I can take it. I am nor 35 weeks and 4 days pregnant so I have about 4 weeks left till her due date..Doc says we will talk about inducing at 39 weeks if nothing has happened by then and I said the whole pregnancy I really didnt wanna be induced but ya know what I am to the point now where I am just that miserable I will let it happen. I have to for the sake of my sanity. If she would do it sooner I would. I am losing my mind and my body is just ACHING and I never thought I could hurt this much. At my doctors appointment last week I was still closed and thick and showing no signs of anything happening. I have another doctors appt Wednesday so we will see if anything changed. I doubt it.
On another note a friend of mine who is due about 10 days after me lost her baby girl on April 8th. Her daughter Jillian had a form of dwarfism called Osteogenesis Imperfecta which basically causes her bones to be brittle and break easily. If she sneezed it would have broken all her ribs...which an ultrasound showed that Jillians ribs were already broken and her little legs were as well. They were gonna do a c-section to ensure that she didnt break every bone in her body going through the birth canal but not for another few weeks but Becky went into pre-term labor and they had to do an emergency c-section and baby Jillian only lived about a minute and a half. I went to the funeral today and I don't know if I should or not cause all I saw when I saw that little baby in the casket was my baby Kaci. Even though I know she is okay. Its hard to even fathom what the parents are feeling right now.
I cant talk about it anymore I am getting upset.
Other then that a tornado hit about 3/4 of a mile from my apartments April 10th. On good friday of all days. Mom and I drove right past it and saw it. It was huge an f-4 to be exact which is a BIG tornado. It was a 1/2 a mile wide and stayed on the ground for 20 something miles. It destroyed so much I can't believe how lucky we are. A mother and her 9 week old baby girl died in it though they were the only ones I believe that to be enough...I wish so badly that nobody had died.
Anyways I am getting emotional and I am hurting so I am gonna go. I hope everyones week has been a great one. Happy Late Easter.

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