Sunday, September 23, 2012

Dear Kaci 3 years 4 months

Hi sweet baby. I am such a slacker when it comes to your letters lately. I feel like as long as I get all the good stuff in here I am doing good but I have started to have to write stuff down as the months go along just to make sure I get the right stuff in here when I do get a chance to write it. First off I want to say I have started a new project that I am so excited about. I bought you one of my favorite books the other day its called "Love you forever". Even though I bought it for you I won't be giving it to you till your 18th birthday. There are just enough pages in it for me to put 18 letters on. Since I have kept a well documented blog full of yearly letters to you on your birthday I am going to put every single letter I wrote you on your birthday on each page of the book. That way on your 18th birthday every page will have a letter from me for each year you have been alive. I wanted something special for you and I love keeping this blog but I just keep getting scared that something could happen and I could lose all this info so I wanted to make it even more special for you. I saw this article of this father who bought the book "Oh the places you will go" by Dr. Suess and each year he got her teacher she had to write his daughter a letter on the pages and on her graduation day he gave it to her. I thought it was a beautiful idea and it brought tears to my eyes so since I have the letters I previously wrote to you and will keep on writing you I decided to do my own version in one of my favorite books. The book "Love you forever" is basically saying no matter how old you are whether you are 3 or 3 years old you are my baby and you always will be and I will love you no matter what. I hope you appreciate it and enjoy it because I know I will enjoy making it for you Kaci. Anyways on to new things you have been doing. You have really become a big girl lately. You speak so clear now its crazy !! And boy do you have attitude!! I don't know where you get that from *looks around* lol Mimi says you are just like I was at your age !! When you don't get your way you throw a princess fit. Its funny but at the same time we gotta get you out of that cause you can't be doing that in school. You have been doing amazing with the potty training. Peeing is no longer an issue you go all day and night without having any pee accidents. The pooping has not been as easy. You still have a few accidents here and there with the pooping. We were having issues mainly because you were having a hard time pooping. Since you had your surgery when you were a few days old you have had some issues with pooping. With the guidance of your doctor(who we love) and some decision making on our part your daddy and I have decided to put you on miralax for the time being. The doctor said she doesn't know how long you will have to be on it. It could be a few months it could be forever. Luckily its not something that you can build a dependency on. So far its been helping so much !! Something thats new you have been doing lately is wanting me to rock you to sleep again. When you turned 1 you decided you no longer wanted to be rocked to sleep. And up until now you haven't wanted to but I am not complaining at all. I absolutely love rocking you to sleep. I love the feeling of you laying in my arms. You fit so perfectly that its as if they were made to hold you. I could rock you and hold you forever and it just wouldn't be long enough. Life just makes more sense with you here Kaci. I can't even begin to explain it but I feel like my whole life before meeting your daddy and having you was just time going by... But since you and your daddy came into my life it's like I finally have a purpose. It's like I was standing still before you and now I am in motion. You and your daddy are what keeps me goin. I'll never be able to explain how you two saved me. I am a firm believer in God putting people in your life for a purpose and from the moment I laid eyes on Brandon I knew he was special. And I know at time I can get caught up in the superficial things like him not being that romantic or buying me things but when I think about it honestly there isn't a gift in the world he could've gave me that was more amazing and beautiful and precious than you. I'll always be thankful because without him there would be no you. God picked us to be your parents and we could've have asked for anything better for him to give is. You really do bring so much light and love into everyones lives and I am going to be forever grateful that he trusted me to be your mommy because I couldn't think of a better blessing !! Mommy

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