Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My husband

*sighs* While my hubby is not in the army (thank God cause I don't believe I am strong enough to be an army wife) he is out of town alot this past year. Its not fun and it's not easy. Though it is only for 3 or 4 weeks at a time those 3 or 4 weeks kill me. I miss him more than words could ever explain. We have been married for almost 3 months now and I have seen him for maybe 2 weeks of that. It could be alot worse I know but gosh I am wanting his arms around me so bad lately.Being pregnant has taken its toll on my body and gosh I am anything but lacking in the hormones levels believe me. I feel like an abundance of emotion is just showering over me at all time. I watch Maury or Cheaters and it's all over with I am crying the rest of the day. I literally have to be careful what I watch cause I will turn into a snot machine if I am not careful. That was graphic sorry. I know nobody reads this but I just love writing my feelings down. Its really helps this pregnancy seem a little easier. Nothing is really making it easier. I won't get into that right now though cause I had an excellent day today barely and nausea and I was actually able to eat full meals!! Maybe....just maybe I am going over that morning sickness hill and I am finally topping it... and it can only get better from here. Lets pray thats where I am at. I think I will head to bed now I just needed to vent how much I miss Brandon. I hope he knows how much he means to me.

Monday, October 27, 2008

The ugly side to pregnancy. 11 weeks 3 days.

Alright so everyone is always talking about how spectacular pregnancy is and how much they loved it and blah blah blah.
I have to say congratu-freaking-lations to those women who breeze through their pregnancy with no issues at all really and truly I envy you like nobody's business.
But really lets be honest here. In my opinion pregnancy BLOWS ! Maybe I am the only one who feels this way but gosh I cannot and will not ever understand why anyone would wanna do this more than once. I really don't know why you would wanna do it once but hey I am doing it so I promise anyone can. It wouldn't be so terrible if it weren't for this amazing joy called morning sickness. Whoever named it that is an idiot for one cause I would have named it "All day everyday can't get through a day without feeling like your gonna barf at every second of the day sickness". I think I said day to many times but oh well that sums it up for me.
Pregnancy is not beautiful. Its straight up ugly if you ask me lol. First you got morning sickness which I won't get into big time cause I didn't have a terrible go with it but it was pretty bad.
But, lets see theres the hot flashes,sore boobs, headaches,crying fits, anger fits, hemroids(which I have yet to experience thank you Lord ), getting fatter, back pain, leg pain, cant sleep, cant stop sleeping, always sleepy. Really the list could go on and on and on for me but I will be quiet because I am not rambling and I need something to write about next blog right?
I think I am going to go indulge in my last cheese stick from sonic and call it a night. Perhaps more tomorrow.